Machine learning based stellar classification with highly sparse photometry data

Open Res Eur. 2024 Aug 28:4:29. doi: 10.12688/openreseurope.17023.2. eCollection 2024.


Background: Identifying stars belonging to different classes is vital in order to build up statistical samples of different phases and pathways of stellar evolution. In the era of surveys covering billions of stars, an automated method of identifying these classes becomes necessary.

Methods: Many classes of stars are identified based on their emitted spectra. In this paper, we use a combination of the multi-class multi-label Machine Learning (ML) method XGBoost and the PySSED spectral-energy-distribution fitting algorithm to classify stars into nine different classes, based on their photometric data. The classifier is trained on subsets of the SIMBAD database. Particular challenges are the very high sparsity (large fraction of missing values) of the underlying data as well as the high class imbalance. We discuss the different variables available, such as photometric measurements on the one hand, and indirect predictors such as Galactic position on the other hand.

Results: We show the difference in performance when excluding certain variables, and discuss in which contexts which of the variables should be used. Finally, we show that increasing the number of samples of a particular type of star significantly increases the performance of the model for that particular type, while having little to no impact on other types. The accuracy of the main classifier is ∼0.7 with a macro F1 score of 0.61.

Conclusions: While the current accuracy of the classifier is not high enough to be reliably used in stellar classification, this work is an initial proof of feasibility for using ML to classify stars based on photometry.

Keywords: XGBoost; astrophysics; class imbalance; machine learning; photometry; sampling bias; sparsity; stellar classification.

Plain language summary

Astronomy is at the forefront of the ‘Big Data’ regime, with telescopes collecting increasingly large volumes of data. The tools astronomers use to analyse and draw conclusions from these data need to be able to keep up, with machine learning providing many of the solutions. Being able to classify different astronomical objects by type helps to disentangle the astrophysics making them unique, offering new insights into how the Universe works. Here, we present how machine learning can be used to classify different kinds of stars, in order to augment large databases of the sky. This will allow astronomers to more easily extract the data they need to perform their scientific analyses.

Grants and funding

This work is carried out as part of the EXPLORE project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004214 (EXPLORE) and from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101091534 (KNOWSKITE-X).