Although autosomal-dominant inheritance is believed an important cause of familial clustering Alzheimer's disease (FAD), it covers only a small proportion of FAD incidence, and so we investigated epigenetic memory as an alternative mechanism to contribute for intergenerational AD pathogenesis. Our data in vivo showed that mys-2 of Caenorhabditis elegans that encodes a putative MYST acetyltransferase responsible for H4K16 acetylation modulated AD occurrence. The phenotypic improvements in the parent generation caused by mys-2 disfunction were passed to their progeny due to epigenetic memory, which resulted in similar H4K16ac levels among the candidate target genes of MYS-2 and similar gene expression patterns of the AD-related pathways. Furthermore, the ROS/CDK-5/ATM pathway functioned as an upstream activator of MYS-2. Our study indicated that MYS-2/MOF could be inherited intergenerationally via epigenetic mechanisms in C. elegans and mammalian cell of AD model, providing a new insight into our understanding of the etiology and inheritance of FAD.
Keywords: Cell biology; Epigenetics; Neuroscience.
© 2024 The Authors.