Magnetic materials featuring triangular arrangements of spins are frequently investigated as platforms hosting magnetic frustration. Hexagonal perovskites with ordered vacancies serve as excellent candidates for two-dimensional triangular magnetism due to the considerable separation of the magnetic planes. In this work, the effects of chemical pressure on the ferromagnetic ground state of Ba2La2NiW2O12 by substitution of Ba2+ with Sr2+ to produce Sr2La2NiW2O12 are investigated. The two materials are characterized using synchrotron-based XRD, XANES and EXAFS in addition to magnetometry in order to correlate their crystal structures and magnetic properties. Both materials form in space group R3, yet as a result of the enhanced bending of key bond angles due to the effects of chemical pressure, the TC value of the magnetic Ni2+ sublattice is reduced from ∼6 K in Ba2La2NiW2O12 to 4 K in Sr2La2NiW2O12.
Keywords: X-ray diffraction; complex oxides; frustrated magnetism; perovskite; triangular magnet.
open access.