The wide range of applications of nanomaterials (NM) in different fields has led to both uncontrolled production and release into environmental compartments, such as aquatic systems, where final disposal occurs. Some efforts have been made to estimate their concentrations in environmental matrices; however, little is known about the actual effects of environmental NM concentrations on biota. The aims of the present review are to (i) expose the state of the art of the most applied NM and their actual concentrations regarding how much is being released to the aquatic environment and which are the predicted ones; (ii) analyze the current literature to elucidate if the aforementioned conditions were proven to cause deleterious effects on the associated organisms; and (iii) identify gaps in the knowledge regarding whether the actual NM concentrations are harmful to aquatic biota. These novel materials are expected to being released into the environment in the range of hundreds to thousands of tons per year, with Si- and Ti-based NM being the two most important. The estimated environmental NM concentrations are in the low range of ng to µg/L, except for Ti-based ones, which concentrations reach values on the order of mg/L. Empirical information regarding the ecotoxicity of environmental NM concentrations mainly focused on metal-based NM, however, it resulted poor and unbalanced in terms of materials and test species. Given its high predicted environmental concentration in comparison with the others, the ecotoxicity of Ti-based NM has been well assessed in algae and fish, while little is known regarding other NM types. While only a few marine species were addressed, the freshwater species Daphnia magna and Danio rerio accounted for the majority of studies on invertebrate and fish groups, respectively. Most of the reported responses are related to oxidative stress. Overall, we consider that invertebrate groups are the most vulnerable, with emphasis on microcrustaceans, as environmentally realistic metal-based NM concentration even caused mortality in some species. In the case of fish, we assumed that environmental concentrations of Ti-based NM represent a growing concern and threat; however, further studies should be carried out by employing other kinds of NM. Furthermore, more ecotoxicological information is needed in the case of carbon-based NM, as they are expected to considerably increase in terms of released amounts and applications in the near future.
Keywords: Aquatic organisms; Environmentally relevant concentrations; Nanoecotoxicity; Nanoparticles; Realistic concentrations.
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