Objectives: TERT promoter mutations are not infrequently encountered in thyroid carcinomas; however, it is unclear if additional molecular alterations may play a role in determining tumor behavior.
Methods: Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) specimens from 32 patients with TERT promoter mutations detected by ThyroSeq v3 from 4 institutions were included in the study. FNA diagnoses, molecular results, and surgical follow-up were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed.
Results: There were 5 benign and 27 malignant neoplasms, including 7 high-grade thyroid carcinomas (HGCs) on histopathologic follow-up. Of 4 cases with an isolated TERT mutation, 3 (75%) cases were malignant. Of 17 cases harboring a co-occurring TERT mutation with 1 additional molecular alteration, 13 (76%) displayed malignancy on histopathologic follow-up. All 11 cases with TERT mutations plus 2 or more additional molecular alterations were malignant on follow-up. Furthermore, HGC was not seen in cases with an isolated TERT mutation, while 80% of cases harboring TERT mutations plus 3 additional molecular alterations showed HGC.
Conclusions: TERT promoter mutations are commonly associated with malignancy, particularly HGCs, when multiple co-occurring molecular alterations are present. However, TERT promoter mutations may occasionally be detected in benign thyroid neoplasms when encountered in isolation or with fewer than 2 additional molecular alterations.
Keywords: TERT promoter mutation; fine-needle aspiration; high-grade thyroid carcinoma; thyroid.
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