Cricoid chondronecrosis is a rare entity and is scarcely reported in the literature. Its prevalence is increasing in the form of chondroradionecrosis among the survivorship of head and neck carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy. We have reported a case of cricoid chondronecroisis caused by trauma from repeated tracheostomy. The patient presented with hoarseness and dyspnoea. Radiological findings in multidetector computed tomography showed disintegration of the cricoid and confirmed the diagnosis. Conservative treatment was given in the form of antibiotics, steroids and nebulised anticholinergics and bronchodilators. However, the patient did not improve and his condition worsened throughout two months of hospitalisation. He was referred for hyperbaric oxygen treatment, which was given over 30 sessions. This was associated with improvement in his condition and he was able to be decannulated from tracheostomy. Six monthly follow up of the patient showed a well-healed tracheostomy scar.
Keywords: Chronic wounds; Hyperbaric medicine; Larynx trauma; Outcome; Tracheostomy complication.
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