Patent Urachus with Patent Vitellointestinal Duct: A Rare Simultaneous Occurrence

Afr J Paediatr Surg. 2024 Sep 18. doi: 10.4103/ajps.ajps_78_23. Online ahead of print.


A large number of congenital anomalies often involve the umbilicus. This is a report of two such anomalies together in an infant. The child had a mass protruding from the umbilicus since birth. The urachus was noted to be patent on voiding cystourethrogram. On exploration, a patent vitellointestinal duct was also noted. Resection and anastomosis was done for the vitellointestinal duct, and the urachus was excised close to the dome of the bladder. Histopathological examination confirmed a tube lined by intestinal epithelium and the urachal remnant showing a dense fibrous tube-like structure. The omphalo-mesenteric vessels are located between the urachus and the patent vitellointestinal duct, and care should be taken while incising or dissecting in this region to prevent bleeding.