The life course approach scrutinizes factors that shape the development of diseases over time. Tooth loss, which is influenced by social, behavioral and biological factors, can occur at various stages of life and tends to become more prevalent in later years. This systematic review examined the influence of socioeconomic, psychosocial, biological and behavioral adversities in life on the likelihood of tooth loss. Searches were conducted in the Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, PsycINFO, Scopus and LILACS databases. Reference management was performed using EndNote online. The risk of bias was appraised using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). The electronic searches yielded 1366 records, 17 of which (13 cohort and four cross-sectional studies) met the inclusion criteria. According to the NOS, all studies had a low risk of bias. Two studies found a link between a lower education and higher incidence of tooth loss and socioeconomic status exerted a significant influence in 47% of the studies. Disadvantaged socioeconomic trajectories and health-related factors, such as smoking, general health perception and oral health behaviors, increased the likelihood of tooth loss. Factors such as dental visits, a history of toothache and exposure to fluoridated water influenced the likelihood of tooth loss. Individuals who experienced adversities in socioeconomic, behavioral and biological aspects throughout their life course were more prone to tooth loss.
Keywords: epidemiology; life course; lifespan; oral diseases; public health; tooth loss.
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