Two samples, simple-battered chicken (SBC) and normal-battered chicken (NBC), with different batters were deep-fat fried at various conditions and volatile compounds and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) was analysed. The moisture content of the air-fried samples was significantly higher than that of the deep-fat fried samples in the same batter samples. A total of 72 volatile compounds (8 aldehydes, 15 monoterpenes, 12 sesquiterpenes, 2 terpene alcohols, 4 benzenes, 13 pyrazines, 2 pyridines, 6 furans, 5 alcohols, 2 pyrroles, and 3 others) were detected in fried chicken breast, and air-fried SBC possessed the highest total amount of volatile compounds. Furthermore, 5-HMF was exclusively detected in NBC samples; in particular, 1.27 ± 0.06 and 0.41 ± 0.02 μg/mL were detected in deep- and air-fried NBC, respectively. This study indicates the potential of air frying to reduce the formation of 5-HMF while maintaining quality characteristics, suggesting the need for further study on other hazardous compounds.
Keywords: 5-HMF; Air frying; Deep-fat frying; Fried chicken breast; Volatile compounds.
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