Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation phase-dependently modulates spinal reciprocal inhibition induced by pedaling in healthy individuals

Exp Brain Res. 2024 Sep 27. doi: 10.1007/s00221-024-06926-4. Online ahead of print.


Reciprocal inhibition (RI) between leg muscles is crucial for smooth movement. Pedaling is a rhythmic movement that can increase RI in healthy individuals. Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) stimulates spinal neural circuits by targeting the afferent fibers. Pedaling with simultaneous tSCS may modulate the plasticity of the spinal neural circuit and alter neural activity based on movement and muscle engagement. This study investigated the RI changes after pedaling and tSCS and determined the phase of pedaling in which tSCS should be applied for optimal RI modulation in healthy individuals. Eleven subjects underwent three interventions: pedaling combined with tSCS during the early phase of lower extension (phase 1), pedaling combined with tSCS during the late phase of lower flexion (phase 4) of the pedaling cycle, and pedaling combined with sham tSCS. The RI from the tibialis anterior to the soleus muscle was assessed before, immediately after, 15 min, and 30 min after the intervention. RI increased immediately after phase 4 and pedaling combined with sham tSCS, whereas no changes were observed after phase 1. These results demonstrate that tSCS modulates RI changes induced by pedaling in a stimulus phase-dependent manner in healthy individuals. However, the mechanism involved in this intervention needs to be explored to achieve higher efficacy.

Keywords: Afferent input; Lower limb; Neural plasticity; Noninvasive electrical stimulation; Rehabilitation; Spinal neural circuit.