Influence of Cleaning Procedures and Aging on Shear-Bond- Strength of 3Y, 4Y, and 5Y Zirconia to Titanium

Int J Prosthodont. 2024 Sep 27;0(0):1-7. doi: 10.11607/ijp.9154. Online ahead of print.


Lab-side-fabricated abutments and hybrid zirconia crowns, which are bonded to titanium bases with resin-based composites, require disinfection before insertion. This study investigated the effect of cleaning procedures (ultrasonic, autoclaving) and aging methods (24h, 90d, thermocycling) on the shear bond strength between alumina particle air-abraded titanium and zirconia (3Y-, 4Y- and 5Y-TZP) specimens luted with phosphate monomer containing adhesive systems and resin-based composite. Autoclaving significantly improved SBS (F (27,231) &#61; 17.265, p < .001) compared to no cleaning and three-stage disinfection. No differences were identified with regard to zirconia or aging methods. Bond strength initially benefits from autoclaving but continuously approaches the comparative values over longer periods.