Introduction: A rare case of atraumatic liver laceration associated with hemoperitoneum is presented in a patient with amyloidosis who came to the hospital for abdominal pain. Case Presentation: The imaging findings reveal significant hepatomegaly with finely heterogeneous hepatic density and subcapsular hypo-dense streaks in segments VI and VII, likely representing lesions. Post-contrast enhancement shows a punctiform contrast medium extravasation within the subhepatic fluid collection, visible from the arterial phase and intensifying in subsequent study phases. Discussion: These imaging findings suggest an atraumatic hepatic laceration, a diagnosis confirmed by the presence of hemoperitoneum distributed bilaterally under the diaphragm, in the paracolic gutters, along the mesentery root, and predominantly in the peri-hepatic region. Conclusion: The detailed imaging analysis provided critical insights into the diagnosis and management of this rare clinical presentation.
Keywords: atraumatic injury; hemoperitoneum; liver laceration.