The effect of body position, leg dominance, and automatic releasing mechanism on quadriceps muscle tone assessed by Pendulum Test in able-bodied persons

Ideggyogy Sz. 2024 Sep 30;77(9-10):303-313. doi: 10.18071/isz.77.0303.


Background and purpose: <p>Quadriceps femoris muscle spasticity is commonly measured by the Wartenberg pendulum test. It is generally assumed that lower values of the number of swings of the leg and lower relaxation indexes are associated with higher muscle tone and more spasticity. Still, there is incoherence regarding the test&rsquo;s applications with various body positions and starting mechanisms. This study aims to investigate the influence of body position, leg dominance, and automatic leg-releasing mechanism on muscle tone measured by pendulum test in healthy population whose muscle tone is often compared to the spastic muscle tone of patients with neurologic disorders.&nbsp;</p>.

Methods: <p>15 healthy adults (age: 19-32 years, 9 males, 6 females) participated in this study. A Zebris 3D ultrasound-based motion analysis system was used to record kinematic data during the pendulum test. The number of swings of the leg and the relaxation index were computed from the collected data. The pendulum test was completed in eight conditions: in supine and semi-supine positions on the dominant and non-dominant leg separately and with investigator-release and automata-release mechanisms. Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon test with the significance level of .05 were applied in comparison of pairs of the pendulum test condition.</p>.

Results: <p>1) Applying automata-release mode, in the non-dominant leg the number of swings (p=0.03) and the relaxation index (p&lt;0.001) were significantly higher in semi-supine than in supine position. 2) The non-dominant leg had significantly more swings than the dominant leg in both body positions with automata-release mode (p=0.009, p&lt;0.001). In investigator-release mode this occurred in supine position (p&lt;0.001). 3). Regarding the number of swings in investigator-release versus automata-release mode, no significant differences were found in any test condition, but the relaxation index showed significant difference for the non-dominant leg (p=0.01, p=0.009). 4) The values of the relaxation index didn&rsquo;t support in all test conditions the results what the number of swings provided about the muscle tone. In automata-release mode, the dominant leg has a lower number of swings and a higher relaxation index than the non-dominant leg.</p>.

Conclusion: <p>The effect of body position on the quadriceps muscle tone can be assessed by applying the pendulum test with an automatic leg-releasing mechanism even when the application of conventional investigator-release mode does not show a significant effect. The pendulum test is more sensitive to assess spasticity with automatic-release than with investigator-release mode.&nbsp;</p>.

Background and purpose: <p>A quadriceps femoris izom spasticitas&aacute;nak meghat&aacute;roz&aacute;s&aacute;ra gyakran Wartenberg-pendulumtesztet alkalmaznak. &Aacute;ltal&aacute;noss&aacute;gban azt felt&eacute;telezik, hogy a l&aacute;bsz&aacute;r leng&eacute;ssz&aacute;m&aacute;nak alacsonyabb &eacute;rt&eacute;kei &eacute;s az alacsonyabb relax&aacute;ci&oacute;s indexek magasabb izomt&oacute;nussal &eacute;s nagyobb spasticitassal j&aacute;rnak egy&uuml;tt, de nincs egys&eacute;ges testhelyzet- &eacute;s indít&aacute;si m&oacute;dszer alkalmaz&aacute;s a teszt sor&aacute;n. A jelen tanulm&aacute;ny c&eacute;lja megvizsg&aacute;lni a testhelyzet, a l&aacute;bdominancia &eacute;s a l&aacute;b automata elenged&eacute;s&eacute;nek hat&aacute;s&aacute;t a pendulumteszttel m&eacute;rt izomt&oacute;nusra eg&eacute;szs&eacute;ges popul&aacute;ci&oacute;ban, akiknek izomt&oacute;nus&aacute;t gyakran hasonlítj&aacute;k &ouml;ssze neurol&oacute;giai betegek spasticus izom-t&oacute;nus&aacute;val.</p>.

Methods: <p>Tizen&ouml;t eg&eacute;szs&eacute;ges, felnőtt (&eacute;letkor: 18&ndash;32 &eacute;v, 9 f&eacute;rfi, 6 nő) &ouml;nk&eacute;ntes vett r&eacute;szt a vizsg&aacute;latban. A pendulumteszt sor&aacute;n kinematikai adatokat r&ouml;gzített&uuml;nk Zebris 3D-s ultrahang alap&uacute; mozg&aacute;svizsg&aacute;l&oacute; rendszerrel. Ezekből az adatokb&oacute;l sz&aacute;mítottuk a l&aacute;b leng&eacute;ssz&aacute;m&aacute;t &eacute;s a relax&aacute;ci&oacute;s indexet. A tesztet nyolc kondíci&oacute;ban v&eacute;geztett&uuml;k el: f&eacute;lfekvő helyzetben, h&aacute;ton fekv&eacute;sben, a domin&aacute;ns &eacute;s a nem domin&aacute;ns v&eacute;gtaggal k&uuml;l&ouml;n-k&uuml;l&ouml;n, a vizsg&aacute;l&oacute; &aacute;ltali &eacute;s az automata elenged&eacute;s m&oacute;dszer&eacute;vel. A kondíci&oacute;k adatainak &ouml;sszehasonlít&aacute;s&aacute;hoz p&aacute;ros t-pr&oacute;b&aacute;t &eacute;s Wilcoxon tesztet alkalmaztunk, a szignifikanciaszint p &lt; 0,05 volt.</p>.

Results: <p>1) Automata elenged&eacute;s alkalmaz&aacute;sakor a leng&eacute;ssz&aacute;m (p = 0,03) &eacute;s a relax&aacute;ci&oacute;s index (p &lt; 0.001) magasabb volt f&eacute;lfekvő helyzetben, mint h&aacute;ton fekv&eacute;sben. 2) A nem domin&aacute;ns v&eacute;gtagn&aacute;l a leng&eacute;sek sz&aacute;ma magasabb volt, mint a domin&aacute;ns ol&shy;dalon, mindk&eacute;t testhelyzetben, amikor automata elenged&eacute;st alkalmaztunk (p = 0,009, p &lt; 0,001). A vizsg&aacute;l&oacute; &aacute;ltali elenged&eacute;s eset&eacute;n ezt h&aacute;ton fekv&eacute;sben tapasztaltuk (p &lt; 0.001). 3) A leng&eacute;sek sz&aacute;m&aacute;ban nem tal&aacute;ltunk szig&shy;nifik&aacute;ns k&uuml;l&ouml;nbs&eacute;get a vizsg&aacute;l&oacute; &aacute;ltali elenged&eacute;s &eacute;s az automata elenged&eacute;s k&ouml;z&ouml;tt egyik kondíci&oacute;ban sem, de a relax&aacute;ci&oacute;s index &eacute;r&shy;t&eacute;kei szignifik&aacute;ns k&uuml;l&ouml;nbs&eacute;get mutattak a nem domin&aacute;ns v&eacute;gtag eset&eacute;n (p = 0,01, p = 0,009). 4) A relax&aacute;ci&oacute;s index &eacute;rt&eacute;kei nem minden tesztkondíci&oacute;ban t&aacute;masztott&aacute;k al&aacute; a leng&eacute;sek sz&aacute;m&aacute;b&oacute;l k&ouml;vetkeztethető izomt&oacute;nus-eredm&eacute;nyt. Automata elenged&eacute;skor a domin&aacute;ns oldali als&oacute; v&eacute;gtag leng&eacute;ssz&aacute;ma alacsonyabb, relax&aacute;ci&oacute;s indexe pedig magasabb volt, mint a nem domin&aacute;ns&eacute;.&nbsp;</p>.

Conclusion: <p>A testhelyzet hat&aacute;sa az izom t&oacute;nus&aacute;ra m&eacute;rhetőv&eacute; v&aacute;lik olyan pendulumteszt alkalmaz&aacute;s&aacute;n&aacute;l, amelyn&eacute;l automata indít&aacute;st haszn&aacute;lnak, m&eacute;g abban&nbsp;az esetben is, ha ezt a hagyom&aacute;nyos, vizsg&aacute;l&oacute; &aacute;ltal indított teszt nem mutatja. A pendulumteszt &eacute;rz&eacute;kenyebb spasticitast m&eacute;rő m&oacute;dszer automata elenged&eacute;st alkalmazva, mint a vizsg&aacute;l&oacute; &aacute;ltali elenged&eacute;st haszn&aacute;lva.</p>.

Keywords: Wartenberg pendulum test; leg swings; spasticity.