The permeability of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier to 3H-labelled thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), was studied at the blood-tissue interface of the isolated perfused choroid plexus of the sheep, using a rapid (less than 30 s), single circulation paired-tracer dilution technique, in which D-[14C]mannitol serves as an extracellular marker. Arterio-venous loss of 14C radioactivity reflects the percentage of the D-mannitol dose that crosses the blood-CSF barrier using a non-specific pathway. This loss suggests that the choroidal epithelium is moderately leaky. Cellular uptake of TRH, estimated by directly comparing venous dilution profiles of [3H]TRH and D-[14C]mannitol was independent of this leakiness. The unidirectional transport of TRH could not be saturated with unlabelled TRH at a concentration as high as 10 mM, but was markedly reduced by 10 mM proline and by the inhibitor of amidase and aminopeptidase activity, bacitracin (2 mM). Permeability of the blood-brain barrier to [3H]TRH was studied in the adult rat, employing the intracarotid injection technique of Oldendorf in which [14C]butanol served as an 'internal standard'. Brain-uptake of 3H radioactivity corrected for residual vascular space indicated a low extraction from the blood of TRH during a 15 s period of exposure to the peptide. Self-inhibition of [3H]TRH uptake by unlabelled TRH (10 mM) could not be demonstrated, but L-proline (10 mM) and bacitracin (2 mM) strongly inhibited this uptake.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)