Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease and a leading cause of senile dementia. Amyloid-β (Aβ) accumulation triggers chronic neuroinflammation, initiating AD pathogenesis. Recent clinical trials for anti-Aβ immunotherapy underscore that blood-based biomarkers have significant advantages and applicability over conventional diagnostics and are an unmet clinical need. To further advance ongoing clinical trials and identify novel therapeutic targets for AD, developing additional plasma biomarkers closely associated with pathogenic mechanisms downstream of Aβ accumulation is critically important. To identify plasma metabolites reflective of neuroinflammation caused by Aβ pathology, we performed untargeted metabolomic analyses of the plasma by capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOFMS) and analyzed the potential roles of the identified metabolic changes in the brain neuroinflammatory response using the female App knock-in (AppNLGF) mouse model of Aβ amyloidosis. The CE-TOFMS analysis of plasma samples from female wild-type (WT) and AppNLGF mice revealed that plasma levels of nicotinamide, a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursor, were decreased in AppNLGF mice, and altered metabolite profiles were enriched for nicotinate/nicotinamide metabolism. In AppNLGF mouse brains, NAD+ levels were unaltered, but mRNA levels of NAD+-synthesizing nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (Naprt) and NAD+-degrading Cd38 genes were increased. These enzymes were induced in reactive astrocytes and microglia surrounding Aβ plaques in the cortex and hippocampus of female AppNLGF mouse brains, suggesting neuroinflammation increases NAD+ metabolism. This study suggests plasma nicotinamide could be indicative of the neuroinflammatory response and that nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism are potential therapeutic targets for AD, by targeting both neuroinflammation and neuroprotection.
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease (AD); Amyloid-β (Aβ); App knock-in mouse; Metabolomic analysis; NAD(+); Neuroinflammation; Nicotinamide.
Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.