The propensity for individuals to experience problem gambling (PG) varies depending on their motivation to gamble. The present meta-analysis assessed the effect sizes associated with various gambling motives identified in representative population samples. Studies were sourced through PsycINFO, PudMed, and databases maintained by the Alberta Gambling Research Institute and the Greo Evidence Insights. Quantitative studies and technical studies were included if they reported on gambling motivation as a correlate of PG; were published in English, French, or Spanish; used valid and reliable measures PG as an outcome variable; and targeted the general adult population. A random effects meta-analysis was conducted to estimate pooled odds ratios. A total of 26 studies were included from 17 jurisdictions, with most studies conducted in Canadian provinces (k = 17) or specific states of the United States (k = 7). Number of participants varied, depending on the gambling motivation analyzed, and ranged from 2,835 to 51,685. Fourteen unique motives were identified with odds ratios ranging from 0.53 (95% CI, 0.45, 0.63) for gambling for charity to 6.20 (95% CI, 3.83, 10.05) for the motive "to be alone", with high study heterogeneity being observed for many gambling motives, given variability in important study characteristics. The results generally indicate that coping motives were associated with large effect sizes, enhancement motives with medium effect sizes, and all other motives with small or nil effects. Coping motives are on par with other strong risk factors such as participation in online gambling or electronic gaming machines, and are therefore important elements to consider when screening for PG or designing public health messages.
Keywords: Gambling; General population; Meta-analysis; Motives; Problem gambling.
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