Study objectives: Early exposure to mature content is linked to high-risk behaviors. This study aims to prospectively investigate how sleep and sensation-seeking behaviors influence the consumption of mature video games and R-rated movies in early adolescents. A secondary analysis examines the bidirectional relationships between sleep patterns and mature screen usage.
Methods: Data were obtained from a subsample of 3,687 early adolescents (49.2% female; mean age: 11.96 years) participating in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development study. At Year 2 follow-up, participants wore Fitbit wearables for up to 21 nights to assess objective sleep measures and completed a scale about sensation-seeking traits. At Year 3 follow-up, they answered questions about mature screen usage.
Results: Of the sample, 41.8% of the sample reported playing mature-rated video games and 49% reported watching R-rated movies. Sensation-seeking traits were associated with R-rated movie watching one year later. Shorter sleep duration, later bedtime, more bedtime variability, and more social jetlag (discrepancy between the mid-sleep on weekdays and weekends) were associated with mature-rated video gaming and R-rated movie watching one year later. Sleep duration variability was associated with mature-rated video gaming. There was also an interaction effect: those with higher sensation-seeking scores and shorter sleep duration reported more frequent R-rated movie usage than those with longer sleep duration. Secondary analyses showed bidirectional associations between later bedtimes, more variability in bedtimes, and more social jetlag with mature screen usage.
Conclusion: Early adolescents with sensation-seeking traits and poorer sleep health were more likely to engage in mature screen usage.
Keywords: ABCD study; R-rated movies; screen time; sensation seeking; sleep; variability.
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