Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age that influence health outcomes, and structural and systemic drivers of health (SSD) are the social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that create and shape SDOH. With the integration of constructs from previous examples, we propose an SSD model that broadens the contextual effect of these driving forces or factors rooted in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's SDOH framework. Our SSD model (1) presents systems and structures as multidimensional, (2) considers 10 dimensions as discrete and intersectional, and (3) acknowledges health-related effects over time at different life stages and across generations. We also present an application of this SSD model to the housing domain and describe how SSD affect SDOH through multiple mechanisms that may lead to unequal resources, opportunities, and consequences contributing to a disproportionate burden of disease, illness, and death in the US population. Our enhanced SDOH framework offers an innovative and promising model for multidimensional, collaborative public health approaches toward achieving health equity and eliminating health disparities.
Keywords: health equity; social determinants of health; structural and systemic drivers.