misORFPred: A Novel Method to Mine Translatable sORFs in Plant Pri-miRNAs Using Enhanced Scalable k-mer and Dynamic Ensemble Voting Strategy

Interdiscip Sci. 2024 Oct 14. doi: 10.1007/s12539-024-00661-8. Online ahead of print.


The primary microRNAs (pri-miRNAs) have been observed to contain translatable small open reading frames (sORFs) that can encode peptides as an independent element. Relevant studies have proven that those of sORFs are of significance in regulating the expression of biological traits. The existing methods for predicting the coding potential of sORFs frequently overlook this data or categorize them as negative samples, impeding the identification of additional translatable sORFs in pri-miRNAs. In light of this, a novel method named misORFPred has been proposed. Specifically, an enhanced scalable k-mer (ESKmer) that simultaneously integrates the composition information within a sequence and distance information between sequences is designed to extract the nucleotide sequence features. After feature selection, the optimal features and several machine learning classifiers are combined to construct the ensemble model, where a newly devised dynamic ensemble voting strategy (DEVS) is proposed to dynamically adjust the weights of base classifiers and adaptively select the optimal base classifiers for each unlabeled sample. Cross-validation results suggest that ESKmer and DEVS are essential for this classification task and could boost model performance. Independent testing results indicate that misORFPred outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we execute misORFPerd on the genomes of various plant species and perform a thorough analysis of the predicted outcomes. Taken together, misORFPred is a powerful tool for identifying the translatable sORFs in plant pri-miRNAs and can provide highly trusted candidates for subsequent biological experiments.

Keywords: Ensemble voting; Pri-miRNAs; k-mer; sORFs.