Background: Patients with glioma often report language complaints with devastating effect on daily life. Analysing spontaneous speech can help to understand underlying language problems. Spontaneous speech monitoring is also of importance during awake brain surgery: it can guide tumour resection and contributes to maintaining language function. We aimed to investigate the spontaneous speech of patients with glioma in the perioperative period and the additional value of spontaneous speech analyses compared to standardised language testing.
Methods: We elicited and transcribed spontaneous speech of eight patients with glioma elected for awake brain surgery preoperatively, intraoperatively and 2.0-3.5 months postoperatively. Linguistic errors were coded. Type Token Ratio, Mean Length of Utterance of words, minimal utterances, and errors were extracted from the transcriptions. Patients were categorised based on total error patterns: stable, decrease or increase during surgery. Reliable Change Index scores were calculated for all spontaneous speech variables to objectify changes between time points. Language performance on language tests was compared to spontaneous speech variables.
Results: Most errors occurred in lexico-syntax, followed by phonology/articulation, syntax, and semantics. The predominant errors were Repetitions, Self-corrections, and Incomplete sentences. Most patients remained stable over time in almost all spontaneous speech variables, except in Incomplete sentences, which deteriorated in most patients postoperatively compared to intraoperatively. Some spontaneous speech variables (total errors, MLUw, TTR) gave more information on language change than a standard language test.
Conclusions: While the course of spontaneous speech over time remained relatively stable in most patients, Incomplete sentences seems to be a robust marker of language difficulties patients with glioma. These errors can be prioritised in spontaneous speech analysis to save time, especially to determine intra- to postoperative deterioration. Importantly, spontaneous speech analyses can give more information on language change than standardised language testing and should therefore be used in addition to standardised language tests.
Keywords: Spontaneous speech analysis; awake brain surgery; language errors; patients with glioma.