The White House National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health (National Strategy) encourages actions across government and society to promote nutrition security. Nutrition security includes adequate food, diet quality, and equity, and food retail settings can promote these major concepts. Of all National Strategy whole-of-society calls to action, food retailers can contribute to 15 calls as key actors. However, there is currently no standardized monitoring tool to track food retailers' commitments and actions toward the National Strategy to promote nutrition security. The Business Impact Assessment-Obesity and population-level nutrition (BIA-Obesity), a tool originally developed for corporate accountability monitoring, can be tailored for the National Strategy and nutrition security, given its standardized indicators and process to assess food company policies and commitments across six domains. We discuss the fit of the BIA-Obesity indicators for tracking food retailers' commitments and actions across four pillars of the National Strategy. Existing indicators are appropriate to monitor components of Pillar 1: Improve Food Access and Affordability; Pillar 2: Integrate Nutrition and Health; Pillar 3: Empower All Consumers to Make and Have Access to Healthy Choices; and Pillar 5: Enhance Nutrition and Food Security Research. We suggest expanding current indicators to include equity, local foods, the digital food environment, and food waste reduction to improve alignment of the BIA-Obesity with the National Strategy. Application of the BIA-Obesity as an existing tool can facilitate data cohesion and more rapid assessment of the food retailer landscape to mutually meet nutrition security goals by 2030.
Keywords: BIA-Obesity; White House Conference; corporate monitoring; food retailers; nutrition security.
The White House National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health describes a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to address health disparities and ensure that all consumers have equitable access to safe, affordable, and nutritious food. Food retailers can contribute to many of the suggested private sector actions. However, there is no standardized method for tracking food retailer commitments and actions in support of the National Strategy. The BIA-Obesity, a tool used globally for corporate accountability monitoring, is fit for purpose to monitor how food retailers act in support of the National Strategy because the indicators align with many calls to action for food retailers. Suggestions for expanding the BIA-Obesity to cover gaps between the current indicators and National Strategy are provided.
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