Addressing the risks of cyanobacterial blooms and toxin production under ongoing and accelerating eutrophication and climate warming is crucial for both water ecosystem services and human health. Therefore, we here explored the interactive effects of eutrophication and warming on freshwater ecosystems, focusing on Microcystis and its cyanotoxin production. We employed a large-scale mesocosm system simulating future climate warming scenarios in concert with varying degrees of nutrient enrichment. We explored the full range of identified cyanobacterial toxins and cyanotoxin-producing genes under different experimental conditions and assessed the effects of both eutrophication and warming on both phytoplankton community structure (algal densities, community stability) and function (resource use efficiency, RUE). We show here that eutrophication increases the RUE of Microcystis and promotes an increase in toxin-producing genes, leading to a substantial increase in the dominance of Microcystis. This increase correlates with enhanced cyanotoxin production, a trend exacerbated under the influence of future climate warming, suggesting interactions between eutrophication and climate warming on Microcystis ecology and cyanotoxin dynamics. Hence, heatwaves and eutrophication lead the phytoplankton community to be dominated by a minority of algal species with higher toxic capacity. In a broader context, our study underscores the urgent need for holistic management strategies, addressing both nutrient control and climate mitigation, to effectively manage the escalating ecological risks associated with cyanobacterial dominance and toxin production.
Keywords: Climate warming; Cyanotoxin; Cyanotoxin-producing gene; Eutrophication; Mesocosm.
Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.