Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP, ORPHA: 90050) is the main cause of visual impairment in preterm infants and the leading preventable cause of childhood blindness in high- and middle-income countries. However, severe stages of the disease remain rare. While screening recommendations for the disease are well-established in France, management of ROP requiring treatment is less standardized, especially since new therapeutic options have been approval on this indication. The management of preterm infants requiring treatment for ROP is complex and involves a multidisciplinary team, including pediatric ophthalmologists, vitreoretinal surgeons, neonatologists, pediatric anesthetists, nurses, and orthoptists, within an adapted structure for premature infants care. There is a genuine need to unify national practices, with a strong demand from physicians involved in ROP care along the country. The objective of this National Diagnostic and Care Protocol (PNDS) is to provide guidelines for diagnostic and management for ROP, and to optimize and harmonize the management of this disease across the country. The main treatment indications, the different treatment modalities including laser photocoagulation, anti-VEGF injections, and vitreoretinal surgery as well as follow-up calendar, are reviewed to establish the best practice recommendations on ROP.
Keywords: Anesthesia; Anesthésie; Anti-VEGF; Chirurgie; Dépistage; Follow-up; Guidelines; Laser; Management; Prise en charge; Protocole; Prématurité; ROP; Recommandations; Retinopathy of prematurity; Rétinopathie du prématuré; Screening; Suivi; Surgery; Traitement; Treatment; Vitrectomie; Vitrectomy.
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