For many years, the International Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference (IFISH) has focused on highlighting research, training and advocacy work and fostering collaboration among stakeholders to foster a healthier, safer seafood industry. While prior conferences have included many opportunities for trans-disciplinary discussions and problem-solving, the IFISH Planning Committee has been exploring the option of developing a platform for collaboration and information exchange in between events, which only happen every few years. At the IFISH 6 Conference, held at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, participants were invited to attend the "International IFISH Innovation Exchanges" post-conference workshop, which was held on the final day of the conference. The focus of the workshop was to get participant feedback on how to create a platform for collaboration in between conferences. This brief report provides an overview of the concept, participant feedback and the work that has been conducted post-conference to make the IFISH Innovation Exchange a reality.
Keywords: Collaboration; fishing health; fishing safety; innovation;; partnership.