Seven Challenges in Radiology Practice: From Declining Reimbursement to Inadequate Labor Force: Summary of the 2023 ACR Intersociety Meeting

J Am Coll Radiol. 2024 Oct 30:S1546-1440(24)00775-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2024.08.030. Online ahead of print.


This summary of the proceedings of the 2023 ACR Intersociety Meeting discusses the seven most important challenges facing radiology today: declining reimbursement, corporatization and consolidation, inadequate labor force, imaging appropriateness, burnout, turf wars with nonphysicians, and workflow efficiency. Participants in the Intersociety Summer Conference-2023 focused their effort on identifying potential solutions given how critical these topics are to the sustainability of the profession.

Keywords: Corporatization; imaging appropriateness; labor force shortage; reimbursement; workflow efficiency.