Green Shipping Corridors (GSCs) are seen as a set of actions for reducing maritime Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Nonetheless, various stakeholders, including ports, encounter distinctive challenges when participating in GSCs. This study focuses on the integration of ports within GSCs and identifies the drivers and challenges that ports face in joining GSCs by interviewing various stakeholders from ports, shipping companies, governments, and industrial representatives engaged in GSCs. The result led to structuring a practical framework to overcome the identified challenges. This framework facilitates the successful implementation of GSCs by actively engaging ports and emphasizing the importance of stakeholder cooperation. In the context of worldwide endeavours to reduce GHG emissions, this study provides guidance and inspiration for ports, policymakers, and industry players. Also, the framework assists ports in surmounting challenges and facilitating their active involvement in establishing sustainable corridors. This, in turn, contributes to the industry's decarbonisation and enriches scholarly discussions.
Keywords: Barriers; Decarbonisation; Framework; Green shipping corridors; Port; Stakeholders.
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