Distribution and inflammatory potential of hepatitis C virus genotypes in the United States, 2011-2020

JGH Open. 2024 Nov 4;8(11):e70049. doi: 10.1002/jgh3.70049. eCollection 2024 Nov.


HCV is marked by genetic diversity that impacts disease progression and outcome. Using the NHANES data from 266 HCV-infected adults (2011-2020), this study infers that genotype 1a is the most prevalent (60.2%). Genotype 3 was associated with higher transaminase levels, though not statistically significant. These findings suggest a more aggressive phenotype for genotype 3. Despite pan-genotypic treatment guidelines, this underscores the importance of continued HCV genotype surveillance and consideration for genotype-specific treatment and monitoring strategies.

Keywords: genotypes; hepatitis C; liver functions.