Recently, a stochastic version of the quantum-classical Liouville equation has been proposed [Campeggio, J.; Cortivo, R.; Zerbetto, M. J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 158, 244104], to compute the coupled quantum-classical dynamics of molecules in condensed phases. The approach, called quantum-stochastic Liouville equation (QSLE), is based on coupling the time evolution of electronic states to a stochastic description of the relevant (classical) nuclear coordinates. Natural internal coordinates are used, i.e., bond lengths, bond angles, and dihedral angles. The approach is tailored to directly propagate the populations of the electronic states over time, based on a classical Fokker-Planck equation for the nuclear degrees of freedom coupled to a master equation for the jumps among the electronic states. The QSLE is a multiscale approach requiring many ingredients to be assembled in order to carry out the numerical solution. To make the approach accessible, a software package that handles the main (and most cumbersome) details of the numerical workflow has been implemented into the software package QSLE-v1.0, which is introduced in the present paper. Here, it is considered the case of one torsional nuclear coordinate and two nonadiabatic electronic potential energy surfaces. This is a very basic model for interpreting photoisomerization or charge transfer phenomena, but despite its simplicity, it can be applied even in complex systems where the relevant quantum/classical parts affecting the phenomena under study are highly localized. A sand-box model system for describing photoisomerization processes is reported to demonstrate the usage of the software package. QSLE-v1.0 is open source and distributed under the GPLv2.0 license.