Power flow calculation plays a significant role in the operation and planning of modern power systems. Traditional numerical calculation methods have good interpretability but high time complexity. They are unable to cope with increasing amounts of data in power systems; therefore, many machine learning based methods have been proposed for more efficient power flow calculation. Despite the good performance of these methods in terms of computation speed, they often overlook the importance of transmission lines and do not fully consider the physical mechanisms in the power systems, thereby weakening the prediction accuracy of power flow. Given the importance of the transmission lines as well as to comprehensively consider their mutual influence, we shift our focus from bus adjacency relationships to transmission line adjacency relationships and propose a physics-informed line graph neural network framework. This framework propagates information between buses and transmission lines by introducing the concepts of the incidence matrix and the line graph matrix. Based on the mechanics of the power flow equations, we further design a loss function by integrating physical information to ensure that the output results of the model satisfy the laws of physics and have better interpretability. Experimental results on different power grid datasets and different scenarios demonstrate the accuracy of our proposed model.
© 2024 Author(s). Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.