Locating plausible transition paths and enhanced sampling of rare events are fundamental to understanding the functional dynamics of biomolecules. Here, a constraint-based constant advance replicas (CAR) formalism of reaction paths is reported for identifying the most probable transition path (MPTP) between two given states. We derive the temporal-integrated effective dynamics governing the projected subsystem under the holonomic CAR path constraints and show that a dynamical action functional can be defined and used for optimizing the MPTP. We further demonstrate how the CAR MPTP can be located by asymptotically minimizing an upper bound of the CAR action functional using a variational expectation-maximization framework. Essential thermodynamics and kinetic observables are retrieved by integrating the boxed molecular dynamics on the CAR MPTP using a newly proposed adaptive reflecting boundary condition. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated for the Müller potential, the alanine dipeptide isomerization, and the DNA base pairing transition (Watson-Crick to Hoogsteen) in explicit solvent. The CAR representation of transition paths constitutes a robust and extensible platform that can be combined with diverse enhanced sampling methods to aid future flexible and reliable biomolecular simulations.