To support Latinx families of autistic youth navigate school-based transition services and adult disability services, we provided a family advocacy program entitled, ASISTIR (Apoyando a nueStros hIjo/as con autiSmo obTener servIcios de tRansición; Supporting our Children with Autism to Obtain Transition Services). The ASISTIR program consisted of six, two-hour sessions and included the following topics: school-based transition planning, person-centered planning, Supplemental Security Income, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver. Twenty-nine Latinx family members completed the cohort-based ASISTIR program. After participating family members demonstrated increased knowledge of school-based transition planning and adult disability services. Participants also demonstrated increased empowerment and advocacy.
Keywords: Latinx; adult disability services; autism; parent advocacy; special education.