Carrierealeyensis Z.C.Lu & W.B.Xu, a new species of Salicaceae was discovered from limestone areas of Guangxi, China. The morphology of C.leyensis is similar to C.dunniana, but differs by its evergreen nature; shorter petioles, only 3-8 mm long, and tomentose or glabrous when old; elliptic leaf blade with cuneate base; shorter inflorescence (1.8-4.5 cm long); smaller flowers; and smaller capsules (1.7-2.7 cm long, 5-9 mm in diam.).
Keywords: Carriereacalycina; Carriereadunniana; morphology; new taxa; taxonomy.
Zhao-Cen Lu, Zhi-Rong Liu, Ming-Lin Mo, Shi-Li Chang, Wei-Bin Xu.