Programmable spectral peak generation by a mode-locked Er-fiber laser with an intracavity LCOS-SLM filter

Opt Lett. 2024 Nov 15;49(22):6529-6532. doi: 10.1364/OL.542118.


Applying intracavity spectral phase and/or intensity modulation to a mode-locked laser can control the state of circulating pulses in the cavity and produce unique and useful pulse outputs. In this study, a mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser with an intracavity high-resolution liquid crystal-on-silicon spatial light modulator (LCOS-SLM) spectral filter was developed, and programmable narrow linewidth spectral peak generation directly from the oscillator was demonstrated. Furthermore, by simultaneously controlling the intracavity group delay dispersion (GDD), the generation of 20 spectral peaks with a linewidth of 100 pm over a bandwidth of 17 nm was demonstrated. Spectral modulation also affects the temporal waveform, and burst-like pulse trains with intra-burst repetition rates up to 252 GHz were observed.