Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (JSR) came into being with the publication of its inaugural issue in October 1994 that contained 15 full articles comprising 100 pages. Thirty years of JSR has coincided with several Nobel Prizes that have arisen from the work undertaken on synchrotron radiation sources, with the first of these awarded to Sir John Walker in 1997, just three years after the launch of JSR, and celebrated on the front cover of the journal's July 1999 issue. This article provides an insight into the motivation as well as the journey of establishing this important journal for the IUCr and the synchrotron radiation community which has continued to grow. We also highlight some of the well cited papers for each of the five-year-periods during these 30 years and demonstrate how the journal has become the natural home for all aspects of synchrotron radiation science and technology.
Keywords: EXAFS; Journal of Synchrotron Radiation; Nobel prizes; imaging; spectroscopy; structural biology; synchrotron radiation.
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