Introduction: The Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health is 1 of 3 regional projects funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (2019 to 2024) focusing on caries prevention through medical-dental integration (MDI) in community health centers (CHCs). MDI models included provision of preventive oral health services (POHS) at medical visits by the medical team (model 1), by integrated dental hygienists (DHs; model 2), or a hybrid of these models (model 3). The overarching aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of these models on 3 objectives: (1) ≥50% receive POHS, (2) ≥75% with high caries risk receives dental referral, and (3) ≥30% of parents/caregivers set an oral health goal for the child.
Methods: Primary care association practice facilitators (PFs) recruited 22 CHCs to participate from Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. CHCs completed oral health needs assessments prior to participating. PFs coached CHCs using an MDI change package. CHCs submitted monthly and 6-mo, aggregated, deidentified population metrics for children aged 0 to 40 mo receiving well-child care visits. Monthly CHC-specific reports were used by PFs with teams in continuous quality improvement activities. POHS delivery trends over time were assessed using a linear mixed model, adjusting for number of eligible patients during each 6-mo reporting period.
Results: Participating CHCs were urban (55%), rural (36%), and frontier (8%). Twelve (55%) had co-located dental clinics. Ten CHCs implemented model 1, 5 implemented model 2, and 7 implemented model 3. From September 2020 to August 2023, CHCs reported providing 91,604 POHS to eligible children. After adjustment, there was significant improvement over time for all objectives: objective 1: F(5, 90) = 4.66, P = 0.0008; objective 2: F(5, 90) = 2.99, P = 0.0151; objective 3: F(5, 90) = 4.56, P = 0.0009.
Conclusions: The implementation of 3 MDI models across 22 CHCs in 4 states resulted in a meaningful increase in POHS delivery. POHS delivery by both medical and embedded DHs was associated with the most substantial increase in POHS delivery.
Knowledge transfer statement: The results of this study can be used by medical and dental providers when deciding which approach they wish to use when planning the delivery of preventive oral health services at medical visits.
Keywords: caries; evaluation; medical providers; oral health; prevention oral health; quality improvement.