The Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) Centers of Excellence Program, launched by the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation in 2022, aims to bridge the gap in specialized care for individuals with ADPKD. This program seeks to enhance the availability of specialized clinicians and simplify the process for patients seeking expert care. It is founded on three pillars: improving care for all individuals with ADPKD, educating and empowering the community, and advancing PKD research. The program draws inspiration from successful models in other diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy, which have demonstrated the effectiveness of standardized care centers in improving patient outcomes. Patient and clinician stakeholder interviews have identified key areas where a national program could make a significant impact, including the need for a core care team with defined referral processes, mentorship and shared care models, patient navigation services, and education around expert consensus and care guidelines. The program introduces two designations: "Center of Excellence" and "Partner Clinic" to accommodate diverse care settings and enhance patient access to specialists. The Partner Clinic designation ensures that patients in smaller community practices have access to specialized care through mentorship and guidance from experts at Centers of Excellence. The program also emphasizes the importance of specialized services, especially in underserved communities experiencing health disparities, to manage the complexities of ADPKD care. Patient focus groups have highlighted the need for care navigation services, centralized sources of knowledge, and access to local care. The program aims to address these needs by providing a structured framework for care coordination, enhancing patient self-advocacy, and improving overall outcomes for individuals with ADPKD.
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Society of Nephrology.