Multi-Prong Formative Evaluation of a Pediatric Clinical-Community Food Access and Nutrition Education Intervention

Am J Health Promot. 2024 Nov 19:8901171241301886. doi: 10.1177/08901171241301886. Online ahead of print.


Purpose: To understand pediatricians', community partners', and food insecure parent/caregivers' perspectives on addressing food access and nutrition education in clinical settings, and to conduct a formative evaluation of a clinical-community food access and nutrition education intervention.

Design: A mixed-methods evaluation.

Setting: Data was collected from pediatricians and parents/caregivers recruited from one urban pediatric primary care clinic, and from community partners involved in food access.

Participants: Pediatricians (n = 14), parents at risk of food insecurity (n = 7), and community partner staff (n = 8) participated in qualitative interviews.

Method: A cross-sectional survey among pediatricians assessing demographics, nutrition training, and knowledge of food access programs was administered. Semi-structured virtual interviews were conducted to understand experiences with food insecurity and food access programs, and to identify content and delivery preferences for a clinical-community intervention. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the pediatrician and parent demographics and pediatrician nutrition knowledge. A hybrid deductive-inductive thematic analysis was used to identify emerging themes from qualitative interviews.

Results: Few pediatricians (n = 3, 11%) reported receiving previous nutrition training, and knowledge-based food access program questions revealed significant gaps in pediatricians' understanding of program eligibility. Thematic analyses underscore challenges in addressing food insecurity in the clinical setting, gaps in clinical-community partnerships, and barriers to participating in food access programs.

Conclusion: Findings provide recommendations for the development of clinical-community food access and nutrition education interventions.

Keywords: clinic visit; food access; formative evaluation; health services; nutrition education; pediatrics.