Previously, we had developed synthetic genomics methods to assemble an infectious clone of herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1). To do this, the genome was assembled from 11 separate cloned fragments in yeast using transformation associated recombination. The eleven fragments or "parts" spanned the 152 kb genome and recombination was achieved because of the overlapping homologous sequences between each fragment. To demonstrate the robustness of this genome assembly method for reverse genetics, we engineered different mutations that were located in distant loci on the genome and built a collection of HSV-1 genomes that contained single and different combination of mutations in 5 conserved HSV-1 genes. The five genes: UL7, UL11, UL16, UL21 and UL51 encode virion structural proteins and have varied functions in the infected cell. Each is dispensable for virus replication in cell culture, however, combinatorial analysis of deletions in the five genes revealed "synthetic-lethality" of some of the genetic mutations. Thus, it was discovered that any virus that carried a UL21 mutation in addition to the other gene was unable to replicate in Vero cells. Replication was restored in a complementing cell line that provided pUL21 in trans. One particular combination (UL16-UL21) was of interest because the proteins encoded by these genes are known to physically interact and are constituents of the tegument structure. Furthermore, their roles in HSV-1 infected cells are unclear. Both are dispensable for HSV-1 replication, however, in HSV-2 their mutation results in nuclear retention of assembled capsids. We thus characterized these viruses that carry the single and double mutant. What we discovered is that in cells where both pUL16 and pUL21 are absent, cytoplasmic capsids were evident but did not mature into enveloped particles. The capsid particles isolated from these cells showed significantly lower levels of incorporation of both VP16 and pUL37 when compared to the wild-type capsids. These data now show that of the tegument proteins, like the essential pUL36, pUL37 and VP16; the complex of pUL16 and pUL21 should be considered as important mediators of cytoplasmic maturation of the particle.
Keywords: Herpes simplex virus; cytoplasmic envelopment; pUL16; pUL21; tegument proteins.