The dissolving of social bonds is disruptive and leads to increased stress responsivity and a strong desire for reunion. The oxytocin (OXT) system is critical for the formation of social attachments, such as pair bonds, and is also involved in social recognition, social memory, and social vigilance. Therefore, long-term changes in the OXT system resulting from cohabitation and pair bonding may contribute to reunion-seeking behavior. Here, we employed social conditioned place preference (SCPP) and the forced swim test (FST) to examine sensitivity to partner-associated contexts and passive stress coping following a period of partner separation. We found that opposite-sex cohabitation led to SCPP formation only in male prairie voles with a strong preference for their partner, and this SCPP was maintained following short-term loss of a pair bonded partner. Furthermore, pair bonded males that were separated from their partner displayed more passive stress-coping than those that were not bonded to their lost partner, suggesting that differences in prairie vole mating tactics (i.e. formation of a bond or not) influence the behavioral response to partner separation. Finally, we found changes in OXTR binding that may reflect variation in loss-related behavioral phenotypes based on different mating strategies.
Keywords: Microtus ochrogaster; Oxytocin; pair bonding; social loss; social monogamy.