Anthropic Pressure on Cetaceans Stranded Along the Ligurian Coast Within the Pelagos Sanctuary: A Case Series

Animals (Basel). 2024 Nov 8;14(22):3207. doi: 10.3390/ani14223207.


Data collected by C. Re. Di. Ma over a 3-year period (2020-2022) were considered to assess anthropic pressure on cetaceans living in the Ligurian sea. Out of a total of 37 stranded cetaceans, a complete post mortem examination was performed on 23 cases. Of these, 14 were further selected considering at least one of these conditions: (i) confirmed, probable, or suspected interaction with fishing activities through the application of a standardized diagnostic framework (7/14; 50%), (ii) toxicological stress through the evaluation of OCs hazardous levels (14/14; 100%), and (iii) terrestrial pathogen-associated disease (systemic infection and/or associated lesions) (7/14; 50%). For 9 animals out of a total of 14 selected, the cause of death was classified as natural (6/14; 42,8%), anthropic (3/14; 21,4%), or not determined (5/14; 35,7%) based on gross and histological pathology and ancillary testing. These findings extend our knowledge of the anthropic pressure to which cetaceans stranded along the Ligurian coastline are subjected from a multidisciplinary point of view.

Keywords: Ligurian sea; Pelagos Sanctuary; anthropic pressure; common bottlenose dolphin; dolphins; fishery interaction; marine litter; organochlorine compounds; striped dolphin; terrestrial pathogens.