The dynamic interplay between a multimeric phosphoprotein (P) and polymeric nucleoprotein (N) in complex with the viral RNA is at the heart of the functioning of the RNA-synthesizing machine of negative-sense RNA viruses of the order Mononegavirales. P multimerization and N phosphorylation are often cited as key factors in regulating these interactions, but a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms is not yet available. Working with recombinant rabies virus (RABV) N and P proteins and using mainly surface plasmon resonance, we measured the binding interactions of full-length P dimers and of two monomeric fragments of either circular or linear N-RNA complexes, and we analyzed the equilibrium binding isotherms using different models. We found that RABV P binds with nanomolar affinity to both circular and linear N-RNA complexes and that the dimerization of P protein enhances the binding affinity by 15-30-fold as compared to the monomeric fragments, but less than expected for a bivalent ligand, in which the binding domains are connected by a flexible linker. We also showed that the phosphorylation of N at Ser389 creates high-affinity sites on the polymeric N-RNA complex that enhance the binding affinity of P by a factor of about 360.
Keywords: Mononegavirales; binding affinity; nucleoprotein; phosphoprotein; phosphorylation; rabies virus; surface plasmon resonance.