Euphorbialoid A (1) belongs to the rare diterpenoid family of premyrsinanes and exhibits potent anti-inflammatory effects. The 5/7/6/3-membered carbocycle (ABCD-ring) of 1 contains 11 contiguous stereocenters and seven oxygen-containing functional groups. Moreover, four of the six hydroxy groups of 1 are concentrated in the southern sector and flanked by four structurally different acyl groups. The dense array of various functional groups with disparate reactivities on the tetracyclic ABCD-ring presents a daunting challenge for the chemical synthesis of 1. As a reflection of its formidable complexity, synthesis of 1 or any other premyrsinane diterpenoids has not yet been reported. Here, we devised a novel strategy comprising two stages and achieved the first total synthesis of 1 (35 steps as the longest linear sequence). In the first stage, the ABCD-ring was expeditiously assembled by integrating three powerful transformations: (1) Pt-doped TiO2-catalyzed radical coupling to attach a northern chain to a 6/3-membered CD-ring, (2) Pd-catalyzed decarboxylative asymmetric allylation to construct a quaternary carbon with a southern chain, and (3) a Co-mediated Pauson-Khand reaction to cyclize the two chains into the 5/7-membered AB-ring. In the second stage, three-dimensional structures of the ABCD-ring intermediates were utilized to stereoselectively fabricate the A-ring and site-selectively append the four different acyl groups. In the present total synthesis, we revealed the significance of orchestrating the multistep reaction sequence and incorporating cyclic protective groups. The overall strategy and tactics provide new insights into designing synthetic routes to premyrsinanes and densely oxygenated terpenoids decorated with diverse acyl groups.