Do specialist and generalist parasites differ in their prevalence and intensity of infection? A test of the niche breadth and trade-off hypotheses

Int J Parasitol. 2024 Dec 3:S0020-7519(24)00226-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.11.009. Online ahead of print.


Studying host specificity is crucial to understanding the ability of parasites to spread to new hosts and trigger disease emergence events. The relationship between host specificity and parasite prevalence and infection intensity, has typically been studied in the context of two opposing hypotheses. According to the trade-off hypothesis generalist parasites, which can infect a broad range of hosts, will reach a lower prevalence and infection intensity than more specialist parasites due to the higher costs to adapt to multiple host immune systems. In contrast, the niche breadth hypothesis proposes that generalists' ability to infect more host species makes them more efficient in colonising host communities and thus they are found at higher prevalences and infection intensities. This study aims to test these hypotheses using the widespread avian malaria parasites of the genera Plasmodium and the related malaria-like parasite Haemoproteus. Overall, 1188 wild house sparrows from 17 localities in southwestern Spain were screened for parasite presence and intensity of infection. For each lineage found infecting house sparrows, we estimated host specificity as i) the number of different bird taxa infected by that lineage according to the MalAvi database and ii) an index that accounts for the phylogenetic relatedness between the host species. Parasite infections were recorded in 419 house sparrows, and eight Plasmodium and three Haemoproteus lineages were identified. Prevalence was positively associated with the number of host species. Lineages found in more localities showed both higher prevalence and host range. Overall, these results support the niche breadth hypothesis in relation to blood parasites infecting house sparrows.

Keywords: Avian Plasmodium; Avian malaria; Blood parasites; Haemoproteus; Host specificity; Host-range; Specialist versus generalist; Specialization.