Isthmian Central America boasts a diverse array of salamanders, with a total of 72 species spanning three genera. Among these, a subset of the subgenus Bolitoglossa (Eladinea), stands out as particularly rare within the Cordillera de Talamanca. Many of its species have been discovered since 2009, with the majority documented from fewer than five specimens. In our endeavor to elucidate the taxonomy of this species group, we conducted fieldwork at Tapantí and the summits of Utyum, Echandi, and Fábregas, aiming to locate specimens. Our efforts have led to the expansion of the distributional range and the elucidation of the known body size of Bolitoglossa bramei, while Bolitoglossa robinsoni underwent redefinition. Furthermore, we describe two additional species herein, including a miniature salamander from Cerro Utyum and another salamander of moderate size from Valle del Silencio. As result of this study, the Bolitoglossa diminuta species group is now recognized to encompass seven species, all confined within the limits of the Cordillera de Talamanca.