Patient satisfaction with health care services in Turkiye: A glimpse from nationwide Ministry of Health database

North Clin Istanb. 2024 Nov 21;11(6):495-500. doi: 10.14744/nci.2024.84584. eCollection 2024.


Objective: Patient satisfaction refers to the degree to which patients' expectations from health care services are met and is a critical indicator used to measure the overall quality of this service. This study aims to analyze overall patient satisfaction and regarding factors in our country, providing valuable insights for policymakers, clinicians, and researchers who aim to improve the quality of health care services and patient outcomes. Furthermore, as a nationwide assessment, this study reveals the potential of big data analytics in health services.

Methods: Integrated e-Pulse and Health Statistics and Causal Analysis (SINA) systems were used to gather satisfaction scores given by patients after any health care service obtained for overall health care service, physician, personnel other than physician, sanitization (from 0 to 100). The data were processed and analyzed using libraries Pandas and NumPy in the Python programming language.

Results: A total of 37.674.978 scores were given by a total of 11.421.857 patients regarding health care service they obtained involving ratings of 207.339 physicians, between the years of 2016 and 2023. Mean health care rating was 80.4 over 100, mean physician rating was 82, mean rating for personnel other than physicians was 78.4 and mean rating for sanitization was 77.7. When the top 15 most scored facilities were investigated, overall point was highest for Family Medicine centers (94.62) and lowest for Women's Health and Pediatric Diseases hospitals. When rate of 100 points given for each clinic after an admission was investigated, it was lowest for emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, dentistry, endodontia, dermatology and pandemic clinics, and highest for oncology, radiation oncology and family medicine clinics. Waiting time to admission and length of hospital stay seemed to be important factors for patient satisfaction.

Conclusion: This is the largest study regarding patient satisfaction in Turkiye and was conducted by the foremost health care provider, the Ministry of Health. This limited data may provide implications to be assessed to keep the positive trend in our country in patient satisfaction and future analyses evaluating infinite potential factors to hasten the progress of health care in our country.

Keywords: Factors; Turkiye; health care; patient satisfaction.