Mapping Disciplinary Competencies and Learning Outcomes to the Competency-Based Veterinary Education Framework Using Veterinary Pharmacology as an Example

J Vet Med Educ. 2024 Dec 9:e20240097. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2024-0097. Online ahead of print.


The competency-based veterinary education (CBVE) framework describes essential domains of competence and related abilities for veterinary graduates. Translating these outcomes into daily teaching is a challenge, particularly regarding the underpinning basic and clinical science knowledge. In this article, we identified a lack of specific reference to the selection and use of drugs within the CBVE framework; this requires pharmacological knowledge and pharmacology-specific competencies. To fill the gap and provide guidance to veterinary pharmacology educators, we first identified competencies within the CBVE framework relevant to the field of veterinary pharmacology. We then mapped the Day One competencies in veterinary pharmacology published by Werners and Fajt in 2021 to the pharmacology-relevant CBVE competencies. This exercise has led to identifying gaps, redundancies, and a lack of reference to clinical practice within the Day One competencies in veterinary pharmacology, as well as gaps and ambiguous wording within the CBVE framework. Further research is necessary to update the Day One competencies in veterinary pharmacology, align basic and clinical pharmacology concepts and skills with the CBVE framework, embed pharmacology-specific competencies into teaching, and identify progression milestones that guide students toward safe prescribing and the appropriate and effective use of drugs.

Keywords: competencies; competency-based education; curriculum mapping; pharmacology; treatment planning; veterinary education.