Comparison of facial profile attractiveness in pattern III patients treated with facial filling or orthognathic surgery

J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2024 Nov 29:S1010-5182(24)00319-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2024.11.017. Online ahead of print.


Objective: To compare facial profile attractiveness according to orthodontists, dentists, and laypeople in pattern III patients treated with facial filling or orthognathic surgery.

Materials and methods: Thirty pattern III patients were retrospectively divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised 15 patients (10 females, five males; mean age 37.40 years, SD = 14.50) treated with a hyaluronic acid facial filling. Group 2 comprised 15 patients (seven females, eight males; mean age 31.76 years, SD = 9.85) treated with dental decompensation and orthognathic surgery. Facial profile silhouettes from photographs were evaluated by laypeople (n = 80), dentists (n = 60), and orthodontists (n = 68), who rated attractiveness on a scale from 0 (least attractive) to 10 (most attractive). Profile attractiveness was compared between groups using independent t-tests. Evaluator group scores were compared using one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests.

Results: Both the facial filling and surgery groups significantly improved profile attractiveness. Initially (T1), both groups had similar profile attractiveness. Post-treatment (T2), the surgical group had a significantly more attractive profile than the facial filling group. Orthodontists recorded the highest profile attractiveness ratings, dentists gave intermediate scores, and laypeople recorded the lowest, both before and after treatment. Correct answer percentages were similar across the evaluator groups for both treatments.

Conclusion: Both treatments significantly improved profile attractiveness, with the surgical group showing greater improvement.

Keywords: Class III malocclusion; Facial profile; Orthodontics; Orthognathic surgery.