Objective: To evaluate the impact of the Massachusetts Medicaid program's reimbursement policy change for perinatal depression screening on utilization rates.
Study setting and design: This study employed a difference-in-differences design to compare insurance-paid prenatal and postpartum depression screening rates as well as postpartum antidepressant receipt rates between Medicaid and privately insured individuals before and after policy implementation in May 2016.
Data sources and analytic sample: Data are from the 2014-2020 Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database. The study included individuals with a live birth from October 10, 2014, to December 31, 2019, who were continuously insured either by Medicaid or private insurance.
Principal findings: Among 141,085 births, 42.6% were covered by Medicaid. Among those with Medicaid, 1.9% had a paid postpartum depression screening prior to the policy and 16.9% after (1.5% vs. 12.3% for prenatal screening); among privately insured, 3.8% had a paid postpartum screening prior to the policy and 10.6% after (0.9% vs. 6.7% for prenatal screening). Antidepressant receipt rose from 6.9% to 8.3% among Medicaid enrollees and from 3.3% to 4.9% among privately insured individuals after the policy. After regression adjustment, implementation of the Massachusetts Medicaid reimbursement policy was positively associated with perinatal depression screening rates with a differential increase of 10.0 percentage points (p < 0.001) for postpartum screening and 3.5 percentage points (p < 0.001) for prenatal screening among Medicaid enrollees versus privately insured. Despite increased depression screening, the policy was not associated with a statistically significant change in antidepressant receipt among Medicaid enrollees compared to privately insured individuals.
Conclusions: Separate payment for perinatal depression screening significantly improved screening rates among Medicaid beneficiaries, highlighting Medicaid's critical role in identifying mental health needs for vulnerable populations. However, the persistence of sub-optimal screening rates among perinatal individuals underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to ensure universal screening and effective treatment for perinatal depression.
Keywords: Medicaid; health promotion/prevention/screening; incentives in health care; maternal and perinatal care and outcomes; mental health.
© 2024 Health Research and Educational Trust.