We analyze gravitaxis of a Brownian circle swimmer by deriving and analytically characterizing the experimentally measurable intermediate scattering function (ISF). To solve the associated Fokker-Planck equation, we use a spectral-theory approach, finding formal expressions in terms of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the overdamped-noisy-driven pendulum problem. We further perform a Taylor series of the ISF in the wavevector to extract the cumulants up to the fourth order. We focus on the skewness and kurtosis analyzed for four observation directions in the 2D plane. Validating our findings involves conducting Langevin-dynamics simulations and interpreting the results using a harmonic approximation. The skewness and kurtosis are amplified as the orienting torque approaches the intrinsic angular drift of the circle swimmer from above, highlighting deviations from Gaussian behavior. Transforming the ISF to the comoving frame, a measurable quantity, reveals gravitactic effects and diverse behaviors spanning from diffusive motion at low wavenumbers to circular motion at intermediate wavenumbers and directed motion at higher wavenumbers.