Stromal cells are non-hematopoietic cells that consist of endothelial cells and various mesenchymal cell populations. The composition of the stromal cell compartment is diverse in different organs. Numerous recent studies demonstrated that the lung environment contains heterogeneous mesenchymal stromal cell populations with distinctive genomic signatures and location preferences. Besides their role in supporting organ structure and remodeling tissue, mesenchymal stromal cells fulfill critical immune functions. These stromal cells show alterations during lung fibrosis and infectious disorders like COVID-19 or flu infection. To date, their identification and isolation were challenging, and most information about their heterogeneity was derived from scRNAseq data. In this protocol, we describe an isolation, comprehensive flow cytometry assessment, and purification strategy for murine lung stromal cells. The described method is optimized for minimizing cell death while keeping a high level of cell purity. This protocol can be also used for ex-vivo analysis of these cells in downstream functional assays. © 2024 The Author(s). Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Isolation of stromal cells from murine lung tissue Basic Protocol 2: Flow cytometry assessment of lung stromal populations Basic Protocol 3: Purification of lung fibroblastic stromal cells Alternate Protocol: Positive selection of fibroblastic stromal cells.
Keywords: MACS purification; lung; stromal cells; tissue digestion.
© 2024 The Author(s). Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.